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Baopack Auto Packaging Machine Co., Ltd.

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What are the categories of vacuum packaging machines?

  • source: Willa He;
  • Time: 2021-04-27
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Vacuum packaging is a packaging method that everyone often sees when buying things. The advantage of using this packaging is that it is more hygienic and can isolate the air to avoid oxidation reactions. Therefore, vacuum-packed items are generally liked and trusted by everyone. . For vacuum packaging, it is also done by vacuum packaging machines. So what are the main classifications of this packaging machine?

For the vacuum packaging machine, it can be divided into four categories according to the purpose, that is, food vacuum packaging, medical vacuum packaging, electronic product vacuum packaging and tea vacuum packaging. Some classifications divide the vacuum packaging of tea into the scope of vacuum packaging for food. In this multi-category, some are to weigh the net content of the items, some are to be weighed uniformly, and for the vacuum packaging of tea, the method of uniform weighing is used to measure.

Different uses will choose different machines, which also ensures that consumers' use is safer, healthier, and hygienic.


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