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Why does the automatic packaging machine have poor sealing?

  • source: Willa He;
  • Time: 2021-05-13
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The automatic packaging machine not only has a good packaging effect, but the packaging quality is also very satisfactory. However, no matter how good the equipment is, the problem cannot be completely avoided. If the seal obtained by the automatic packaging machine is poor, what is the problem?

1. Reasons for poor sealing of products packaged by automatic packaging machines

After inspection, it is found that this problem is related to the failure of the horizontal sealing heat roller of the automatic packaging machine on the one hand, and on the other hand, it may be caused by the out-of-control sealing temperature of the automatic packaging machine, which requires different measures to solve it.

2. Causes and adjustment methods of the failure of the horizontal sealing heat roller of the automatic packaging machine

The failure of the horizontal sealing heat roller of the automatic packaging machine may be caused by poor thermal regulation, insufficient pressure of the push spring, or uneven pressure.

In this case, you should first set the appropriate pressure and temperature according to the thickness and type of the packaging material; since the pressure of the heat-sealing roller of the automatic packaging machine is completely adjusted by the push spring, it is necessary to control the regulating pressure of the push spring. Under normal circumstances, the automatic packaging machine's horizontal sealing heat roller is equipped with adjustment buttons at both places, which is used to prevent uneven lateral force and must be used reasonably.

3. Reasons and maintenance of the out-of-control sealing temperature in the automatic packaging machine

After a long time of use, many parts or parameters of the automatic packaging machine will age or change, so it is not surprising that the sealing temperature is out of control. In response to such problems, in addition to timely replacement of damaged parts, the working parameters of the automatic packaging machine must be adjusted regularly to make it meet the operating standards.


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